Applying Microformats

MadStore provides a lightweight infrastructure for crawling web sites and extracting information to store and publish as Atom feeds based on hAtom microformats , so you will need to make your web pages XHTML compliant, and then apply the proper microformats.

MadStore fully adheres to the latest hAtom specification draft and extends it by adding two more microformat elements:

  • The feed-key element, to be placed under the standard hfeed container element, used as a unique identifier for Atom feeds: it must be in lower-case (if not, it will be converted), and unique among all other feed keys.
  • The entry-key element, to be placed under the standard hentry container element, used as a unique identifier for Atom entries inside a given Atom feeds: it must be in lower-case (if not, it will be converted), and unique among all other entry keys inside its feed.

The feed-key and entry-key extensions are used by MadStore to avoid duplicates, guarantee correct updating of Atom entries and construct the URL clients will use to access the web feeds, so you are strongly encouraged to put them on your web pages.
However, MadStore is able to discover and work with your microformats even if you haven't applied those extensions: in such a case, MadStore will automatically generate surrogated keys based on some page-specific heuristics.

Here is an example with an XHTML page containing hAtom microformats (and related extensions):

<html xmlns="" xmlns:hatom="" xmlns:fn="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <title>Acme Corporation</title>
    <body class="hfeed" lang="en">
        <span class="feed-key" title="acme-news"/>
        <div class="hentry">
            <span class="entry-key" title="2"/>
            <h2 class="entry-title">Acme acquires Foo Corporation</h3>
            <div class="entry-summary">Acme acquires Foo Corporation ...</div>
            <div class="entry-content">Acme acquires Foo Corporation ...</div>
            <a href="" rel="bookmark">click here</a>
            <span class="updated" title="2008-09-01T18:30:02Z">September 01, 2008</span>
        <div class="hentry">
            <span class="entry-key" title="1"/>
            <h2 class="entry-title">Acme acquires Bar Corporation</h3>
            <div class="entry-summary">Acme acquires Bar Corporation ...</div>
            <div class="entry-content">Acme acquires Bar Corporation ...</div>
            <a href="" rel="bookmark">click here</a>
            <span class="updated" title="2008-08-01T18:30:02Z">August 01, 2008</span>

As you may see, the feed-key element, with value acme-news , identifies the feed, while the entry-key elements identify the two entries.