Configuring MadStore

MadStore configuration is based on a simple XML file.
Here is a detailed description of its structure, defined with an x-path like notation:

  • beans
    The root element of the configuration file: it is based on the Spring Framework, so you may want to add your own Spring beans for advanced customizations, even if there are currently no extension points working this way.
  • beans /config
    The root element of the MadStore configuration.
  • beans /config /crawler
    The container element for the MadStore crawler configuration.
    Please note that in order to automatically run the crawling process, the crawlerTask needs to be active (see below).
  • beans /config /crawler /grid-enabled
    Configure the crawler to run in grid mode.
    It provides the following attributes:
    • localAddress : the address of the local host to use for binding the grid process to a network interface; if not provided MadStore will try to guess the correct address.
  • beans /config /crawler /targetSite
    The configuration of the site to crawl.
    There can be one or more targetSite elements, each one for a different site to crawl.
  • beans /config /crawler /targetSite /hostName
    The host name of the site to crawl.
  • beans /config /crawler /targetSite /startLink
    The link of the first page to crawl, relative to the host name defined above.
  • beans /config /crawler /targetSite /maxConcurrentDownloads
    The max number of concurrent page downloads executed by the crawler on this configured site.
  • beans /config /crawler /targetSite /maxVisitedLinks
    The max number of links to visit and crawl, used to limit the crawling depth.
  • beans /config /repository
    The container element for the MadStore repository configuration.
  • beans /config /repository /maxHistory
    The maximum number of entries to keep in each collection.
    This value has effect only if the cleanHistoryTask is active (see below).
  • beans /config /repository /index
    The MadStore built-in index configuration.
  • beans /config /repository /index /indexedPropertiesNamespaces
    Container element defining all namespaces used in the xpath expressions below.
  • beans /config /repository /index /indexedPropertiesNamespaces /namespace
    Single namespace definition.
    It provides the following attributes:
    • prefix : one of the prefixes used in the xpath expressions below.
    • url : the namespace URL.

    There can be more than one namespace element definitions.

  • beans /config /repository /index /indexedProperties
    Container element defining properties indexed on Atom entries.
  • beans /config /repository /index /indexedProperties /property
    Single indexed property definition.
    It provides the following attributes:
    • name : the property name unique among indexed properties.
  • beans /config /repository /index /indexedProperties /property /xpath
    The xpath expression of the Atom entry property to index. The xpath is used to actually go through the Atom entry XML document and access the value to index.
  • beans /config /repository /index /indexedProperties /property /boost
    An integer value defining the relevance of the indexed property: the higher it is, the more relevant is the related indexed property.
  • beans /config /server
    The container element for the MadStore Atom Publishing Protocol server configuration.
  • beans /config /server /httpCache-enabled
    Enable the HTTP client-side caching by the configuration of proper HTTP headers; see here for more information about HTTP caching. If not enabled, no explicit HTTP caching will take place. If enabled, the MadStore server will enable HTTP caching for all Atom feeds and entries.
    It provides the following configuration parameters:
    • max-age : the value of the Cache-Control max-age HTTP header.
  • beans /config /server /atomPub
    The configuration of the Atom Publishing Protocol service.
  • beans /config /server /atomPub /workspace
    The name of the Atom Publishing Protocol workspace document.
  • beans /config /server /openSearch
    The configuration of the Open Search service.
  • beans /config /server /openSearch /shortName
    The short name of the Open Search short name.
  • beans /config /server /openSearch /description
    The short name of the Open Search description document.
  • beans /config /tasks
    The container element for configuring MadStore tasks.
  • beans /config /tasks /task
    The configuration of the task to execute.
    It provides the following attributes:
    • name : the name of the task itself.

    There can be one or more task elements, each one for a different task to execute.
    Right now, MadStore provides the following two tasks:

    • crawlerTask : the task triggering the crawler process.
    • cleanHistoryTask : the task triggering the clean up of older stored Atom entries.
  • beans /config /tasks /task /simpleTrigger
    The configuration for triggering the task execution.
  • beans /config /tasks /task /simpleTrigger /startDelay
    The number of minutes the crawler process is started for the first time after application startup (0 for immediate).
  • beans /config /tasks /task /simpleTrigger /repeatInterval
    The interval in minutes between crawler executions.

Here is a simple example:

            <mds:grid-enabled localAddress=""/>
                    <mds:namespace prefix="atom" url="" />
                    <mds:property name="title">
                    <mds:property name="summary">
                    <mds:property name="category">
            <mds:httpCache-enabled max-age="10"/>
                <mds:shortName>MadStore Search</mds:shortName>
                <mds:description>My MadStore Search</mds:description>
            <mds:task name="crawlerTask">
            <mds:task name="cleanRepositoryHistoryTask">

Let's take a look in more details at the sample configuration.

    <mds:grid-enabled localAddress=""/>

Here, we are telling the MadStore crawler to crawl the host, starting from the index.html page, with a maximum number of 3 requests per second, and a maximum number of 100 visited links (pages).
We're using the distributed grid crawler, bound to the local address.

            <mds:namespace prefix="atom" url="" />
            <mds:property name="title">
            <mds:property name="summary">
            <mds:property name="category">

The snippet above refers instead to the MadStore repository index. Please note, in particular, the indexed properties configuration: here, we are indexing each Atom entry title, summary and category term, all referred through simple xpath expressions.

    <mds:httpCache-enabled max-age="10"/>
        <mds:shortName>MadStore Search</mds:shortName>
        <mds:description>My MadStore Search</mds:description>

The snippet above is dead simple: just a bunch of configuration strings for the Atom Publishing Protocol service document and Open Search description document.
The most important thing there is the (optional) httpCache-enabled element, enabling explicit client-side HTTP caching (see here ).

    <mds:task name="crawlerTask">
    <mds:task name="cleanRepositoryHistoryTask">

Finally, the snippet above configures the triggering of two MadStore tasks: the crawlerTask , immediately starting and repeating every 60 minutes, and the cleanHistoryTask , starting after 60 minutes and repeating every 60 minutes as well.

That's all!