Using MadStore

Installing MadStore

Once you've got the MadStore binaries, by downloading or building them, you're ready to install your distribution of choice.

Unarchive the standalone distribution if you want to run MadStore within its embedded container; here is its directory structure:

  • conf : contains the madstoreConfguration.xml file to edit for configuring MadStore.
  • standalone : contains the MadStore standalone jar files for the main and grid node applications.
  • gridgain : contains the GridGain distribution, needed for running MadStore crawler in grid mode.
  • sources : contains all MadStore sources.

Unarchive the war distribution if you want to run MadStore within your Servlet 2.4 container of choice; here is its directory structure:

  • conf : contains the madstoreConfguration.xml file to edit for configuring MadStore.
  • war : contains the MadStore standalone war files for the main and grid node applications.
  • gridgain : contains the GridGain distribution, needed for running MadStore crawler in grid mode.
  • sources : contains all MadStore sources.

Then set the MADSTORE_HOME environment variable to point to the MadStore distribution directory: don't miss this step .

Now you're ready to configure MadStore and deploy it!

Deploying MadStore as a standalone application.

MadStore can be deployed as a standalone web application by simply unarchiving the standalone distribution and running the following command:

java -jar $MADSTORE_HOME/standalone/madstore-app-VERSION-standalone.jar

Then, you can access it by pointing your browser at: http://your-host:8080/ .

It works by using Winstone as an embedded servlet container, so you may pass all Winstone command-line options.

If you configured MadStore to run with the crawler in grid mode, you can run as much MadStore grid nodes as you want by executing the following command:

java -jar $MADSTORE_HOME/standalone/madstore-gridnode-VERSION-standalone.jar

Again, it works by using Winstone as an embedded servlet container, so you may pass all Winstone command-line options.

Deploying MadStore into a Servlet container.

MadStore war file provided with the war distribution, can be deployed into any Servlet 2.4 container, such as Apache Tomcat : just deploy the madstore-app-VERSION.war file.

The same applies for the MadStore grid node: just deploy the madstore-gridnode-VERSION.war file.

Accessing MadStore

Atom contents published by MadStore can be accessed as specified by the following URL templates:

  • http://host:port/service
    The Atom Publishing Protocol service document, describing published collections.
  • http://host:port/{collection}
    An Atom Publishing Protocol collection, identified by the collection key.
    • http://host:port/{collection}?max={max}&page={page}
      An Atom Publishing Protocol collection, identified by the collection key, with a max number of entries starting at the given page . The returned collection feed supports feed paging in order to navigate through collection entries.
  • http://host:port/{collection}/{entry}
    An Atom entry, identified by the entry key and belonging to the given collection .
  • http://host:port/search
    The Open Search description document, describing exposed open search URLs.
  • http://host:port/search/{collection}?title={title}&terms={terms}&max={max}&page={page}
    Search the given collection , returning an Atom feed with the given title , containing a max number of entries starting at the given page and containing the given terms in the configured indexed properties. The returned feed supports feed paging in order to navigate through collection entries.